Electric Vehicles Fire Risk Assessment in Indoor Car Parks

Welcome to the official website of EVRISK

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) grant agreement ID: 101064984.

About the project

Welcome to the official website of our MSCA project, 'Electric Vehicles Fire Risk Assessment in Indoor Car Parks'. To begin with, as the sales share of EVs in Europe continues to rise, reaching 10% in 2020 and projected to climb to 19% in 2025 and 35% in 2030, it is imperative to address the safety risks and hazards associated with this positive trend.

Recognizing the immediate research need in the area of indoor car parks, which present higher risks compared to open spaces, we aim to fill the existing gap in EV fire safety studies. Despite the rapid growth of EV fleets, there is currently no specific research on EV fire safety in car parks, which is concerning given the incidents of burning EVs during charging and ongoing battery fire safety issues.

To tackle this pressing issue, our interdisciplinary project is dedicated to developing a state-of-the-art risk assessment model that quantitatively measures the risk of EV fires in indoor car parks. Our objectives include establishing a qualitative and quantitative fire risk assessment model to evaluate the risk levels of specific car park designs, as well as proposing prevention and mitigation measures within selected architectural designs.

Through engaging activities, comprehensive assessments, and advanced simulations, we will conduct our research within the framework of five work packages. The outcomes of our assessment will provide crucial insights and enable the development of targeted prevention and mitigation measures, significantly reducing the impact of EV fires. Moreover, the model will serve as a fundamental reference for policymakers and authorities, facilitating the development of appropriate regulations and policies.

Join us in this important endeavor to ensure the safe integration of EVs in indoor car parks. Together, we can shape the future of EV fire safety and make a significant contribution to the sustainable transportation landscape in Europe.

For the official information of the project, please click the following link, EU Cordis Database for EVRISK project.

Latest News & Events

NEWS - 26th of July 2024

Welcoming Victor Debeuré to our group

We are thrilled to welcome Victor Debeuré to our EVRisk research project as an internship student. Victor brings a wealth of experience from his ongoing master's program in industrial engineering at IMT Nord Europe, complemented by hands-on experience at Renault Group's Douai plant, where he worked on optimizing welding robots for electric car production. We look forward to his contributions and innovative insights in advancing our research objectives. Welcome aboard, Victor!

NEWS - 24th of July 2024

Invitation to HK PolyU

Zahir took his time to visit HK Poly U as he was invited by Associate Professor Xinyan Huang. Zahir shared his expertise at the prestigious SureFire 2024 conference. His visit was a highlight for attendees, providing valuable insights into his experience in XFire Innovation Challenge.

NEWS - 12th of July 2024

FireAsia 2024 - Hong Kong

Zahir recently returned from FireAsia 2024 where he was invited to speak about the growing concern of electric vehicle fires. He had a fantastic time reconnecting with industry peers and meeting new potential collaborators. Engaging in thought-provoking discussions about the future of fire safety in the electric vehicle era was truly inspiring. We look forward to sharing more about the potential collaborations that may arise from this event. Can't wait to see what the future holds!

NEWS - 3rd of July 2024

4th Summer School on Fire Dynamics Modeling 2024

Great news! Our researcher, Zahir Tohir, just returned from the Fire Dynamics Modeling Summer School at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany).

This intensive program provided a deep dive into fire simulation software, with lectures from developers themselves and hands-on exercises using FDS.

Zahir not only gained valuable knowledge but also connected with a network of fire safety experts. These learnings will surely fuel our ongoing research efforts!

News Archive

NEWS - 1st of May 2023

The project begins

On the 1st of May 2023, the project has officially started. The official link of the researcher's arrival to the beneficiary institution can be accessed through the following link.


NEWS - 4th of July 2023

Site visit to car parks in Pamplona City Center

On the 4th of July 2023, our team had the opportunity to visit a privately operated underground car park and a public underground car park in the city of Pamplona. Both of these car parks could potentially be a suitable case study for this project.

NEWS - 1st of October 2023

Call for papers: Frontiers in Future Transportation

We are pleased to inform you that submissions are now open for the research topic on Electric Vehicles Fire Risk Assessment in Indoor Car Parks in the Frontiers of Future Transportation journal.

Click here to access to the research topic page.

NEWS - 18th of October 2023

Electric vehicle fire risk assessment framework using Fault Tree Analysis

Our first paper has been published in Open Research Europe.

The paper can be accessed from the following link. Click here.

NEWS - 10th of December 2023

Fire Safety & Sustainable Building Design Engineering Solutions Symposium

Two weeks ago, I had the enriching opportunity to attend a symposium in Slovenia, focusing on sustainability in fire safety. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Ljubljana, the city's charm added a delightful layer to our experience. Its selection as the venue was impeccable, blending cultural heritage with modern vibrancy.

The symposium itself was a melting pot of expertise, covering everything from sustainable construction products to the challenges of sustainable technologies like PV systems. Discussions on the role of digitalization and Building Information Modelling (BIM) in fire safety were particularly enlightening, showing new ways to mitigate construction errors and promote sustainability.

The event was also a personal joy, reuniting with old friends and forging new connections. The networking sessions went beyond professional formalities, fostering deep, meaningful conversations.

A special highlight was our visit to the fire laboratory at ZAG Logatec on the final day. Witnessing the expansive and immaculate facility was awe-inspiring. It was a testament to the advanced research and dedication in the field. I left the symposium with renewed enthusiasm and a hope to revisit the members of FRISSBE in the future.

This symposium wasn't just a professional gathering; it was a community united in the pursuit of a safer, more sustainable world.

NEWS - 4th of January 2024

Our article is now online in The Conversation

Our article on Electric vehicles and the challenge of fire risks in car parks is now available online in The Conversation website.

Our article link is as follows;


NEWS - 5th of January 2024

Our work is highlighted by Elektrik Tesisat Portali from Turkey

Our work has been gaining throughout the globe. One recent highlight is from Elektrik Tersisat Portali from Turkey which has translated our work in Turkish language for wider readability in Turkey.

The link is as follows;

Part 1


Part 2


NEWS - 10th of January 2024

Our article in The Conversation is also published Spanish

Our article on Electric vehicles and the challenge of fire risks in car parks is now available online in The Conversation website in Spanish.

Our article link is as follows;


NEWS - 13th of February 2024

Our work is highlighted by Radio Télévision Suisse

NEWS - 29th of February 2024

Valencia apartment block fire: can safety regulations keep up with innovation in construction? 

NEWS - 30th of April 2024

EVRISK team will present in Fire Asia 2024 

EVRISK is proud to announce that we are invited to present our work in Fire Asia 2024 in Hong Kong. The theme of the conference this year is "Collaboration and Technology - Better Prepare the Community for Emergency".

Website for Fire Asia 2024 - https://fireasia2024.com/en/index.html

NEWS - 30th of April 2024

Blog post: Research Spotlight

Our work is selected for research spotlight in Open Research Europe online blog. Click here to access the research spotlight.

NEWS - 5th of June 2024

EURAXESS Webinar: Understanding MSCA PF

I am deeply thankful for the opportunity to be a panelist in this webinar on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) about Understanding MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships. Reflecting on my journey, I am reminded of how, three years ago, I was one of the many beneficiaries of similar talks, gaining invaluable insights and guidance. Euraxess, with its dedication to organizing these impactful programs, played a crucial role in my development, and I am forever grateful. It is incredibly rewarding to now have the chance to give back and support other researchers in their pursuit of knowledge and career advancement.

Click here for the link of the webinar.

NEWS - 19th of June 2024

Collaboration Discussion with UPNA

In a positive development for electric vehicle safety, our EVRISK team met with researchers at Universidad Publica de Navarra on June 17th, 2024. The focus of the discussion was exploring the possibility of applying for a research grant from the Government of Navarra. Both sides agreed that electric vehicle fires are a pressing issue and solutions need to be developed swiftly. 

 About the team & beneficiary institution

Mohd Zahirasri Mohd Tohir

Principal Investigator

Zahir Tohir is a currently appointed as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellow at Universidad de Navarra, Spain. He also holds a permanent post as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. 

He obtained his PhD in Fire Engineering from University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His research interests are fire safety engineering, fire science, forest fire, probabilistic risk analysis, risk informed and performance-based design. 

He can be contacted via email at mmohdtohir@unav.es


César Martín-Gómez

Project Supervisor

César Martín-Gómez is a Professor in the Department of Construction, Building Services, and Structures in the Universidad de Navarra, Spain. He has been responsible for building services and energy systems in complex buildings in Spain since 2000. Before coming into academia, he worked in I&S Ingenieros, in the Architecture Department in the Spanish Renewable Energies Center (CENER), and as Building Services and Energy Coordinator in Mangado & Asociados. He is currently appointed as the Deputy Director of Strategic Projects in the School of Architecture of Universidad de Navarra.


Universidad de Navarra

Beneficiary Institution

The University of Navarra is the most international of Spanish universities, according to the CYD ranking. It is among the top 100 universities in the world in 6 areas of the QS rankings. The university has 4 teaching areas that are among the best in the world according to Times Higher Education ranking. The University of Navarra has consistently been ranked as the best private university in Spain. In 2021, the university’s School of Law was ranked best in Spain and 44th in the world by Times Higher Education’s international ranking.